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How to get out of the Credit Bureau?

The credit bureau is a credit information company whose main objective is to support the country's economic activity, provided to companies (banks, credit card issuers, leasing companies, auto finance companies, mortgage companies, department stores, companies communication service) all the information they require, in order to facilitate the opening of credit to their customers.

The credit bureau information has the credit of more than 27 million physical and information from more than 48 million loans. The key driving range from zero to nine, where zero indicates that this is a person who meets, and from there advances in the numbering to indicate the degree of default, where "x" means total failure. If you've applied for new credit, insurance these on your list, but ..... With that description?: Customer reliable or have a terrible X.

If you pay your (s) credit (s) in time you are sure of the good, but if incurred in breach of any redemption, payment at the wrong time or, as often happens, a negative report resulted through no fault of you, 're on their blacklist.

Maybe you do not give much importance to occupy a space within the qualified "non-trusted clients", however this information is used as a reference for another bank to provide more resources to the same debtor becomes a reason to prevent such a contract for a cell phone, approval for departmental grant you a card, if you need financing you are out, if your business requires a terminal for your customers to pay by credit card, you're toast.

As you see, being in the credit bureau has great weight, now what do you do to get out or at least switch to the side of good?.

Note that once you find a loan request, regardless of whether they paid or not, do not leave the credit bureau.

To know what situation you find yourself in this and solve it, it is best to ask the bureau to send the credit report. You can contact them via:

Your website: The schedule for obtaining the Special Credit Report through the website is 7 to 23 pm. (Central Mexico time).
By telephone by contacting the Customer Service Centre: Mexico City: 5449 4954. via toll-free 01 800 64 07 920.
Or directly at his office in Customer Service:
Place Image - Local 3
4349 South Loop Avenue
Fracc. Gardens on the Mountain.
Deleg. Tlalpan.
C.P. 14210.
Mexico, D.F.
Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 to 18 hrs. and Saturdays from 9 to 13 hrs.

If you need your report by other means such as fax, mail or courier at home, has an additional cost, visit the website of Credit Bureau for more information. The delivery of these media is reporting no later than 5 business days.

When you choose to collect your credit report in the Customer Service Office, the document is available in 30 calendar days from receipt.

And if you do not get a response, request (of course for a given cost) at your bank.

If ultimately found to have a debt outstanding, lĂ­quidalo as soon as possible and make sure the institution to which you should update your record.

In many cases the information faulty or update that appears in the credit bureau is caused by the bank, 10 percent of complaints received by the CONDUSEF on the Credit Bureau, are attributable to these institutions, so that in them is the solution to clean your credit standing, go to your bank.

If you are sure you have a clean credit history, but for some reason you were rejected for credit, you should ask the company holding a copy or tell you what company you owe and report directly to the Bureau on the error correction (The bureau updates data every month).
It is the obligation of financial institutions, business houses and the banks themselves, give your report and explain the contents of your credit history with details of amounts and dates of any debt.

Address your credit situation or possibly get it corrected, you also will bring peace and assurance that any future credit approval.