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All about the credit bureau

Credit Bureau is now a framework for the granting of credit in Mexico, as it has credit files of individuals, companies and individuals with business activities. Information has claims more than 27 million physical einformacion more than 48 million credits

How I can know if I Credit Bureau?

If you have or has had any Credit Card, Service Card, Car Loan or Mortgage Credit Bureau will surely have a registered credit history

For recorded information in credit bureau on you or your company, request your credit report Special.

How I can order my Special Credit Report?

Credit Bureau offers different options for you to request and obtain your credit report or your Special Company quickly and easily. The easiest at this time is to submit your application online at

I already paid, why am Credit Bureau?

Credit Reports provide a history of behavior of a credit of up to 24 months, counted from the date on which the credit is fully liquidated or after the last reported information to credit bureau. This story reflects how the loan was paid, whether it is paid on time or have shown delays.

Credit Bureau can only delete records from your database in the following cases, the law dictates them to regulate credit information companies and the General Rules of the Bank of Mexico:

Records of individuals for a period equal to or greater than 84 months. The term is considered from the date on which the event occurred. At the expiry of the period, the credit bureau removes this information.

Information related to bad loans from individuals, whose balance is less than the equivalent of a thousand UDIS, provided they have within forty-eight months from the date the credits are closed, that is, for any reason have ceased to exist receivables related to the claims concerned or Credit Bureau failed to receive any information about them. Performing loans means those with 90 or more days of default on their payments.

The records of legal persons are not removed.
