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Foods rich in cholesterol are usually foods high in saturated fats. The cholesterol-rich foods are the most delicious food. Some foods rich in cholesterol are mainly found in all animal products and animals, such as egg yolks, meat, poultry, fish and dairy products largest. A diet rich in cholesterol is a major contributor to hypertension. Foods rich in cholesterol are spoiled for us, and God knew.

Your body produces three to four times more cholesterol you eat. The production of cholesterol increases when you eat little cholesterol and decreases when you eat well. In other words, more foods rich in cholesterol you eat less cholesterol that your body produces. It is true that the body - especially the liver - can produce cholesterol for the body 's needs But if we take foods rich in cholesterol cholesterol may be useful. When you do not take enough food rich in cholesterol - for example, if you take mainly vegetable oils rather than cholesterol-rich animal fats - cholesterol in your blood will be transferred to your cells.

In traditional societies, cholesterol-rich foods are considered healthy foods. Our ancestors failed cholesterol but they knew that eggs, meat organs (including brains), seafood and shellfish were all very nourishing for the body. Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance essential for cells of all mammals. The cholesterol in its place is good, but it also has a dark side. Thus, the highest concentration of cholesterol in the body lies in the brain and other parts of the nervous system. And because cholesterol is necessary for the brain, babies and children need of food rich in cholesterol for brain development. One food rich in cholesterol is the richest, in fact, human breast milk. And one of the most spoiled foods to give soy baby for young children because it contains no cholesterol.

People with very low cholesterol (less than 150 mg / dl) disorders are more inclined depression and nervous system. Numerous scientific studies have found an association between cholesterol and heart disease. But that does not mean that foods rich in cholesterol cause heart disease - because there are people who eat lots of food rich in cholesterol and do not develop heart disease. And there are also people who develop heart disease, even if they avoid foods rich in cholesterol. It is also important to understand that eating foods rich in cholesterol will not automatically lead to high cholesterol in the blood.

Among the many research results published in scientific journals, Uffe Ravnskov proven to reduce cholesterol has not resulted in reduction of mortality rates of heart disease, but a higher mortality rate from all causes. In a primary, Uffe Ravnskov has published over 80 scientific articles and letters to stores to criticize what is generally known as lipid hypothesis of heart disease - the belief that eating saturated fat and obstruction of the arteries of cholesterol and cause atherosclerosis and heart disease. Click here to learn more about Uffe Ravnskov and benefits of food rich in cholesterol. Foods that are rich in fat and saturated fat transport (such as coconut oil) can also increase your level of LDL (bad cholesterol), thereby way or another, they have a similar effect on your body as eating food rich in cholesterol. But it does not stop there, because there are a number of other foods that can not be regarded as food rich in cholesterol , but also increases your LDL ( bad cholesterol) higher than food cholesterol. If a food is not an animal (as fruit or vegetable), it has no cholesterol.

To understand why the cholesterol-rich foods are not harmful, we must understand what cholesterol and what role it plays in people's health. Typically, the cholesterol-rich foods are also high in saturated fat, which is part of what makes them good taste. Some foods rich in cholesterol should not be completely avoided, because many of them are an essential component of a healthy diet, as remarkable above, but you should learn to reduce their consumption in order to maintain or reduce your LDL cholesterol. Foods rich in cholesterol are animal products such as eggs, fatty meats and poultry with the skin is high in cholesterol.