Good Healthy Food, for Natural Healing, Good Health and Antiaging. We all know that Broccoli is a plant that is used at the Dinner Table bulk l-carnitine base a vegetable with the main dish, it is very high in Antioxidants and very healthy for everyone.
Did you also know that Broccoli can give you 30 times more antioxidants, all you have to do is eat Broccoli seedling sprouts in your salad meals or sandwiches. Just like you would with Alfalfa or any other sprouts. A half cup of Broccoli seedling sprouts, is equivalent to 15 cups of Broccoli.
The yellow spice that can usually be found in your kitchen, is a powerful Antioxidant and anti inflammatory. Excellent when you would normally take a pain killer, Strains and Sprains, Bursitis Tendinitis, you can add the spice to food, or purchase capsules.
In news just released, Breast Cancer has increased to its highest levels yet, with one in eleven ladies likely to develop symptoms. There is Good News though, More than ever before, the survival rate has bulk caffeine powder mainly due to dedicated Doctors and more advanced detection and treament available. Read my article titled Breast Cancer and Antiperspirants.
One way of reducing Hypertension, is to increase your intake of water, the answer can quite often be that simple, I do mean Pure Water, not the stuff supplied by the Public Utilities as that contains all sorts of chemicals that are NOT necessarily good for your health.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey has been used for centuries to fight off numerous medical complaints, including High Blood Pressure, Arthritis and many other conditions.
The secret is that Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey, between them contain almost 100, Minerals and Vitamins.
The Vinegar should not be distilled, it should have sediment in the bottom of the bottle and have web like structures floating in the liquid, which is called the Mother. It is this sediment and Mother that contains all the ingredients that are good for you.
Good quality Honey should be used and the best method of taking this is : One Teaspoon of Honey mixed in a glass of warm pure water and One Teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, taken at least once or twice a day.
TOMATO, What it can do for you.
The humble Tomato is proving to have a number of medicinal properties previously not known, it has been said to help in the prevention of Prostate problems and that it is more beneficial if it has been cooked before using, as in Tomato Paste, Tomato Sauce or Ketchup, Tomato Juice, or even a Pizza with a Tomato topping.
Apparently the cooking process enhances the Lycopine in the Tomato, which has proven so beneficial.
It has now shown to be useful for cardiovascular problems, it decreases platelet activity, thereby reducing the level of blood clotting.
When the blood vessels of people with cardiovascular disease are damaged, platelet activity sometimes fails to switch off and clogs the vessels. A glass of Tomato Juice a day can keep blood clots away, so it can help in preventing Stroke, Heart Attack and Deep Vein Thrombosis, as well as helping to ward off Prostate problems.
The Australian Bush Plum is the latest food to improve health. With the highest levels of Vitamin C of any food, the plum is now the key ingredient that is used the Eight Essential Sugars (Glyconutrients) it is the newest and most powerful Antioxidant currently available.
Vitamin C is crucial for controlling free radicals which cause disease and aging. Used for thousands of years by the aboriginal people of Australia, to treat Skin Diseases, Arthritis, colds and Flu, the plums power together with Glyconutrients is now harnessed in a capsule.
This ancient herb has been used in Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years, it helps to modulate the Immune System and it may repair cells damaged by Cancer or Radiation and Chemotherapy. It certainly beats Echinacea, when it comes to fighting colds and Flu.
Astragalus is used to provide one of the Essential Sugars that constitutes Glyconutrients.
If you wish to try Astragalus, you will find that it is normally 5 htp dosage side effects as Capsules and quite expensive. I would suggest that you do a search for a supplier of Astragalus Powder this is a much more economic method. Just mix half a teaspoon in Juice, milk or water and take twice a day.
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